Doc Marten’s is having a contest whereby they’ll actually make one of these. I just want to see how far I can get up with stupid ideas. The goons from are thoroughly ruining the contest already for the enjoyment of all. Go vote “Love it!” for my boot!
Meanwhile… at stately Wayne Manor.
The World’s Five Greatest Alarm Clocks
Some people have trouble waking up… apparently a lot of trouble. Some simply fall into a near death state when they sleep and could sleep through a nuclear detonation until the skin bubbling off their bones felt a little itchy, others wage a daily war with their snooze button. Most of these products are geared towards the latter and are designed to make the silencing process require enough thought that it’s impossible to do in near sleep conditions. Most of these products are available through that bastion of awesome products with punishingly unfair Canadian shipping (only 85% bitter.)
More after the jump…
Don’t you put it in your mouth
What canadian kid of recent generations can forget this classic video. To this day all I have do is sing “Don’t you put in your mouth” at a gathering of friends and at least a couple people will join in with the entire first verse. The hilarious WTF nature of the puppets always made it a favorite too.
The mentalfloss blog had an entry today about creepy kids TV and that video was on it. I never really got a downright creepy vibe from it though on second glance the face of the girl puppet is downright demonic mid closeup.
I can’t say that I see the this clip as anything but scarring for little kids. I love the works of the late great Samuel Clemens more than I can say, but man the combination of what is already a bit out there of a story with some skin crawlingly creepy claymation produces what I could only call guaranteed nightmare fodder for those under 10. Hell, I found it creepier than 99% of the “horror” schlock hollywood puts out these days. This episode of the adventures of Mark Twain was apparently banned from TV after one showing.
Oddly enough I haven’t actually read the story in question… but yikes!
The rest of the videos don’t quite reach that level though the pure comedy factor of the following necessitate a link.
From The New Zoo Revue (which by itself sounds like a goat-happy alternative lifestyle magazine) we learn about sex!
And one that’s apparently from a PBS show called “Many Voices, Many Visions” that, while obviously heavily edited and probably missing a ton of context, is still pretty cringe-worthy.
Thanks to Ransom Riggs over at Mentalfloss for making my morning… Check out their site!