Do not touch the rabbit, the rabbit is hot!
Just in time for Easter…
Entertaining and yet mildly creepy (at least to my eyes) but I wonder why he didn’t do the most obviously hilarious method: Bunny on a hotplate!
People with zero chance of becoming Nobel laureates
This is absolutely one of my favorite things that have been sent to me in a while, a set of 41 terrible science projects. I’m sure a good chunk of these are fake or shopped, but some are all too real. Honestly, you have to pity the elementary school/junior high science teachers. Who doesn’t remember the kids who really didn’t try, or better yet who tried but chose the most ridiculous subjects imaginable. Here are a few absolute all-star projects. Children are our future, and we should all be absolutely terrified.
Any bets this kid’s name is something of the type: Percival Higginsbottom IV? This entire experiment was inspired by the most tragic moment of his young life…The terrible Saturday afternoon when the butler spilled Grey Poupon on his blazer during high tea. He has a friend from the same school in the expanded set of pictures as well…
How did someone not tell this kid about the gaping hole in his “experiment?” Stay tuned for his sequel next year: What is Marlee Matlin’s favorite piano concerto?
Sorry Teach, but I think you should have maybe steered this kid in another direction? Unless junior high has changed a lot since I was there (and the new Degrassi tells me otherwise) this poor girl is probably going to be known by a nickname such as Toe-Licker until she escapes to a college on the other side of the country
These two ladies are trying to clear up some misconceptions about methamphetamines. Sure they may be addictive, horribly unhealthy drugs that are eating up people across the world… but they’re not all bad. Now that Mom cooks up meth in our basement, she doesn’t have to whore herself out to support her coke addiction. Crystal Meth, friend of children everywhere (at least until the lab cooks off and roasts everyone alive.)
On a related “my mom’s is a less than chaste woman” note, little Veronica’s desperate quest takes her science project onto some decidedly creepy ground. I can’t decide if the hearts a desperate attempt to prove she’s really ok about it, or just a cry for attention.
Taking the lead in the “Neither of my parents give a rats ass about me and I started this project last night” category is Butch with his scientific investigation of the effects of Mountain Dew on house plants as presented on what looks like foolscap. It’s been done kid, hell it was a major plot point in Idiocracy… a movie I suggest you watch for potential career path options.
Check out another set here at photobasement.com
Beam me up…
The World’s Five Greatest Alarm Clocks
Some people have trouble waking up… apparently a lot of trouble. Some simply fall into a near death state when they sleep and could sleep through a nuclear detonation until the skin bubbling off their bones felt a little itchy, others wage a daily war with their snooze button. Most of these products are geared towards the latter and are designed to make the silencing process require enough thought that it’s impossible to do in near sleep conditions. Most of these products are available through that bastion of awesome products with punishingly unfair Canadian shipping ThinkGeek.com (only 85% bitter.)
More after the jump…
Don’t you put it in your mouth
What canadian kid of recent generations can forget this classic video. To this day all I have do is sing “Don’t you put in your mouth” at a gathering of friends and at least a couple people will join in with the entire first verse. The hilarious WTF nature of the puppets always made it a favorite too.
The mentalfloss blog had an entry today about creepy kids TV and that video was on it. I never really got a downright creepy vibe from it though on second glance the face of the girl puppet is downright demonic mid closeup.
I can’t say that I see the this clip as anything but scarring for little kids. I love the works of the late great Samuel Clemens more than I can say, but man the combination of what is already a bit out there of a story with some skin crawlingly creepy claymation produces what I could only call guaranteed nightmare fodder for those under 10. Hell, I found it creepier than 99% of the “horror” schlock hollywood puts out these days. This episode of the adventures of Mark Twain was apparently banned from TV after one showing.
Oddly enough I haven’t actually read the story in question… but yikes!
The rest of the videos don’t quite reach that level though the pure comedy factor of the following necessitate a link.
From The New Zoo Revue (which by itself sounds like a goat-happy alternative lifestyle magazine) we learn about sex!
And one that’s apparently from a PBS show called “Many Voices, Many Visions” that, while obviously heavily edited and probably missing a ton of context, is still pretty cringe-worthy.
Thanks to Ransom Riggs over at Mentalfloss for making my morning… Check out their site!
The fries are only $65…
From ABC News.
Burger King in London has apparently introduced what they call the world’s most expensive hamburger (which it isn’t, but that’s another story.
The burger is made of Wagyu beef and sits atop an Iranian saffron bun with organic mayonnaise, white truffles and pink Himalayan rock salt. It’s garnished with onion straws fried in Cristal champagne and Pata Negra ham drizzled in aged Modena balsamic vinegar.
For those who don’t know Wagyu Beef is a breed that has a premium flavour, texture and marbling and is raised on a diet that includes premium grains as well as Beer and Sake. The Pata Negra ham is Jamon Iberico and is another incredibly expensive meat made from free range hogs that eat mostly oak acorns. It was actually illegal in the states until last year. One would assume they mean the onions are battered in a champagne batter.
Price for one burger?
$190 U.S.
What on earth do you eat as a side dish with this thing? The standard BK fries would feel awfully lowbrow sitting next to it… or do they make special premium fries with this “pink Himalayan rock salt” as a coating?
My other question (and a question brought up by many on the SA forums) is who do they get to cook these things? Is it just the usual minimum wage slaves who generally make my whopper or do they actually bring in a chef to do it? I somehow can’t imagine the regular staff being any part of the process of creating a burger where the beef alone costs more per pound than they make a day.
All the proceeds from this fancy-pants burger actually go to a London based charity.