Just realized my other cuba posts are missing

Not sure what happened there but will endeavour to get them back up (I think they’re kicking around in a word file somewhere. In the meantime though it’s FRINGE TIME.

So yeah… about that updating.

This term has turned out to be one of the most hellish experiences of my life, however… some 13 days from now (one prof willing,) I’ll be free of school forever. Hopefully with some of those fancypants letters next to my name too.

If all goes as planned this will subsequently become my travel blog.

Goons With Spoons Wiki Sticker Contest

Hot Fun in the Summertime (or something)

It’s summertime, we’re featuring our new chili page on the front of the wiki and barbecue season is in full swing. Given the recent anniversary and the fact that I haven’t done it in a while I figured it was time for a giveaway.

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Welcome to relaunch 2…

The Bulldogs are Cheating returns again with another redesign, hopefully I’ll actually get around to writing again.

As before, while originally a poker blog this will now be a random assortment of thoughts in blog post form.

I suppose one must infiltrate the blogosphere (man do I hate that “word”) to write publicly in this day and age.