Endings… we’ve had a few…

So today is officially the day after the Winnipeg Fringe Festival.

Therefore it’s also officially the first time I haven’t attended the festival at all in over ten years, probably fifteen. It’s hard to describe how sad I am about that.

To some people the festival is a fun period of time where they go out to a few shows. To me it’s almost 2 weeks of non-stop fun…

It’s a time of year that:

  • I’m out every night seeing unique theatre…
  • I’m sharing stories with random strangers about what shows are great (and what’s a total stinker)…
  • I’m thanking the memory of my grandmother for instilling in me an appreciation for theatre…
  • I’m seeing some friends I only see once a year at the festival…
  • I’m seeing random people I never knew were fringe fans in one of those “Winnipeg is a smaller town than you think” moments.
  • I’m likely having a meal or two a day downtown, and at least a couple drinks at the kings head… (mmm scotch eggs)
  • I actually resent the bombers for having a home game and keeping me away from Old Market Square.

I love seeing the exchange come alive for a celebration, and it absolutely broke my heart to not be there last week. I look forward to Fringe all year long and the last few days of the fest are super melancholy as I realize how much fun it’s been and how long it is til it’s here again. Being out in Waterloo didn’t stop me from having that feeling this weekend either. Even if I’m working out here permanently next year it’ll take some serious obstacles to keep me away two years in a row.


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