The Album Cover meme…

As usual I’m weeks late to the party on one of these, but here’s mine.

The idea behind this meme is that you combine random info from randomized sources to create a CD/Album cover for your fictitious band. Ikinci Qala brings a sort of Ladysmith Black Mambazo vibe to mind and the album title/artwork meshed surprisingly well. I feel like my band is probably loved by hippies everywhere and is often a special guest at folk festivals.  Apologies for the shitty graphic quality, stuck with only Paint on this computer.


Here’s how to play along:

1 – Go to “wikipedia.” Hit “random”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 – Go to “Random quotations”
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 – Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 – Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.

5 – Post to Flickr or your website.

For funsies here’s another one I did later on… classic (it’s spooky how often the image/band name or title match well):


You know, Heath was great and all but…

If I have to hear one more newscast or oscar synopsis about how he “turned a comic book character into a psychopathic monster” (and other comments about how he apparently singlehandedly came up with his performance) I’m going to cry.


I’m sorry Mr. or Ms. copywriter or reporter or whatnot that your only experience with the Joker character appears to be from Adam West’s camp-o-rama batstravaganza but perhaps you should do some research. Without even diving into the books we can look at Nicholson’s performance… a very different Joker but with a similar psychotic malevolence. Jack and Heath are doing the same character… albeit as shaded by the very different Gotham’s imagined by Tim Burton and Chris Nolan. (For the record I enjoyed TDK but I despised Batman Begins, but that’s a whole other argument)


If we dive into the books we can find many instances of an even crueler and vicious Joker. I see Ledger’s character as having a slight glimmer of self control left, almost invisible… many of the books have the Joker fast past that point.


I’m glad he won his Oscar as it was a great performance for a fairly good movie that a ton of people saw. Hopefully a few of the people that tuned in to the Oscars to see that moment also saw a few other movies that tempted them. And speaking of Jack… where the hell was he, internet rumour seems divided on whether he snubbed presenting an oscar and was in turn snubbed by the cameras or if he’s sick?