Endings… we’ve had a few…

So today is officially the day after the Winnipeg Fringe Festival.

Therefore it’s also officially the first time I haven’t attended the festival at all in over ten years, probably fifteen. It’s hard to describe how sad I am about that.

To some people the festival is a fun period of time where they go out to a few shows. To me it’s almost 2 weeks of non-stop fun…

It’s a time of year that:

  • I’m out every night seeing unique theatre…
  • I’m sharing stories with random strangers about what shows are great (and what’s a total stinker)…
  • I’m thanking the memory of my grandmother for instilling in me an appreciation for theatre…
  • I’m seeing some friends I only see once a year at the festival…
  • I’m seeing random people I never knew were fringe fans in one of those “Winnipeg is a smaller town than you think” moments.
  • I’m likely having a meal or two a day downtown, and at least a couple drinks at the kings head… (mmm scotch eggs)
  • I actually resent the bombers for having a home game and keeping me away from Old Market Square.

I love seeing the exchange come alive for a celebration, and it absolutely broke my heart to not be there last week. I look forward to Fringe all year long and the last few days of the fest are super melancholy as I realize how much fun it’s been and how long it is til it’s here again. Being out in Waterloo didn’t stop me from having that feeling this weekend either. Even if I’m working out here permanently next year it’ll take some serious obstacles to keep me away two years in a row.

One rainy evening… (part I)

***Warning: Heavy Poker Content***

It’s been ages since I’ve played any poker, either live or online, but I had a rainy evening free this week and fired up my laptop for a little fix. Browsing the tables I found a reasonably small scale SNG that like wouldn’t keep me up too late if I went deep. Little did I know it was going to turn into a roller coaster ride.

The opening few minutes were the usual explosion of push and whiffers. For those who don’t play tourneys online I should explain. In the opening few minutes of these low denomination tournaments(which is all I let myself play online til I’m done school), there is a decent chance you’ll have one or more people who will go All-In on one of their first hands if it’s half decent. These people are either hoping to show early aggression, or in many cases they’re hoping for a call or two and a win in order to start the the tourney off with a decent chip lead at their table. If they lose, they’re only out the buy in. There are a lot of reasons why people think this is a good idea, but I won’t go into them. Suffice it to say that if you’re a normal player, it’s a good idea to stay out of any hands for the first orbit or two unless you’ve got a monster hand. Even by normal standards, this particular tourney was lousy in the opening minutes.

In the first hand across the 10 table tourney, 9 players busted. Within the first 4 hands at my table, 6 people busted including a 4 way all in where the winning hand was a pair of queens. My best hand for the first few orbits was a J-10 suited so I didn’t mind sitting back for a bit. Still it was definitely the fastest I’d ever been moved tables in an online tourney when we were split up after a single orbit. Thankfully things became a little less mental at this point as the more insane among us were weeded out. Over the next few hands I won a few small pots without going to a showdown and made one pretty decent laydown with trip jacks when the opponent in question tabled a straight flush to cripple the former chipleader.

Click onward for the rest of the post…

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The return of Three Quick Hits


First off, word on the street is that the upcoming release of Community Season One on DVD will include a short comic book featuring the exploits of in world B-Movie hero Kick-Puncher (the hero whose punches have the powers of kicks) that will also feature scantily clad comic heroines based on certain leading ladies. Sadly this comes after rumours that we won’t be getting a blu-ray edition. Come on NBC, some of us don’t want to add any more DVDs to our shelves but still want to support what has quickly become a fantastic show. If you haven’t given it a shot, or didn’t tune back in after the shaky pilot Community was arguably the best new show last year and has quickly become a personal favorite. If you’re male and on the fence, do a youtube search for “Community Annie Pottery scene” and be won over quickly…

Second is a fantastic blog I discovered a while back and have since linked on the sidebar, but it deserves special mention. Allie is a bit of an odd duck, not unlike myself, and her blog is a hilarious collection of personal stories held together with simple but very effective mspaint art.  trust me, you will enjoy her often very personal but always hilarious tales of her childhood and ongoing struggle to become an adult. If you’re like me you’ll also read her backlog and quickly begin to wonder how exactly she’s still among the living. Check her out at Hyperbole and a Half.responsibility7.

and lastly…

Darth Vader robs a bank…

hat tip to the AVclub…

A father for us all…


The other day I was at the drugstore trying to choose a birthday card for my team to give to our boss when I noticed a familiar face peeking out from the kids birthday section. The shining silver mouth, the oddly expressive eyes and the almost batman like points of his head were all instantly recognizable. It was Optimus Prime, the world’s greatest father figure and since it was a sound chip card he was “getting a signal to wish me a happy birthday.” Now don’t get me wrong, I have an amazing father. He’s a patient and kind (if slightly odd) man who is a genuine inspiration to me. However; Optimus Prime is a robot.

Let’s go through the reasons for Prime’s supremacy as a father figure.

1. He’s a Robot…

Robots fit the classic North American strong father figure archetype perfectly. Tall, strong, barrel-chested (truck-chested?) and able to defend his family, when you boasted that “my dad could beat up your dad” as a little kid you’d win pretty much by default.

2. He’s also a truck

Growing up, how cool would it have been to pull up at the front door of your elementary school in a giant shining truck that drives itself?

3. His voice…

Peter Cullen’s iconic voice inspires the autobots to fight against impossible odds. Could you possibly resist doing your homework or eating your veggies with that voice chiding you gently? What about bedtime stories? I’m sure Fred Savage would have preferred Optimus Prime over Colombo.

4. Self-sacrifice and nobility

There are too many examples to list, indeed at times some would argue that Prime seems to be far too noble. Honestly though, is that even possible in a father?

5. You’d get to see and do things other humans never will

Want to see Cybertron? How about exploring other planets? Wouldn’t a transforming robotic power suit be cool to have? You might even get a career in space. Sure, we all know that once in a while you’ll get kidnapped and put in mortal peril. Don’t be scared… Starscream or Rumble will end up in charge of guarding you and you’ll be able to escape through their sheer incompetence.

6. Never be late for soccer practice

Even if he can’t drive you there himself he can always pull that little wheelie robot out of his trailer and send you off in that. Heck, worst case scenario he can just order Bumblebee to be your bitch like he always was for that Spike Witwicky kid. (Incidentally, how come Sparkplug named his son Spike, but Spike named his kid Daniel… shouldn’t he have gone with Chainsaw or Carburetor or something?)

7. You’ll never have to hire a moving company

Just think, not only can he carry all your stuff off to college or a new job in his trailer but he can transform and hand boxes in through the window of your crummy 5th floor walkup and save you some stairs.

8. He’ll be around for the long haul

Sure all those sad farewells may tug on your heartstrings a bit, but he never seems to die permanently. There are things to be said for a near immortal dad. Eventually you would have seen it happen often enough that you could probably make some decent coin betting on his resurrection.

9. He’s a ROBOT!

The coolness of this cannot be overstated…

Is it any wonder that some of us cried when he died in Transformers: The Movie?* We all knew that Ultra Magnus and Hot Rod(imus) were no replacement for this icon of leadership, masculinity and parental excellence. Even watching the abominations created by Michael Bay the presence and dignity of the voice rises above the schlock. I can almost bear slow motion running from explosions and random meaningful stares into sunsets when it’s narrated by Peter Cullen. If only Frank Welker had been involved too…


*well I was 7 at the time…

Soupy Summer

Apologies for absence, last school term was hellish. So many blog entries half finished as a major crisis erupted with a project. For those who might still check this site
on occasion, my sincere thanks. Here’s a super awesome recipe or two to get back into the habit.

Some people are of the opinion that soups other than the chilled variety should be saved for winter. Hogwash I say. (or should I go with poppycock as an outmoded but fun to say contrary exclamation?) A good, reasonably light soup can be the perfect addition to a summer meal or can, served with fresh baguette and the beverage of your choice, make an excellent light summer meal out on your deck/balcony.

Note, the names of the recipes are links to the actual recipe.

Exhibit A:

Cream of Cambonzola Soup


The flavour of this soup is very mellow at first with the after taste of the blue portion of the cheese making a really nice counterpoint. In my opinion this soup works best when accompanied by something else with a nice low key flavour.

Serving Suggestions:

Pair with a light sandwich, roasted chicken and provolone is a personal favorite. Also works nicely along with a large salad and a hunk of baguette as a light but satisfying meal on a sweltering day. Add in a peppy white wine or beer to round out the meal.

Exhibit B:

Fiery Tomato Vodka Soup with Chipotle, Lime and Basil


This spicy summer soup I came up with for an iron chef competition a few years back just screams summer to me. The smoky spice of the chipotle is balanced by the lime and basil to make a refreshing hot weather meal. Finish the soup with a dollop of creme fraiche or sour cream for a bit of extra contrast.

Serving Suggestions:

Extremely tasty suggestion include pairing with a grilled chicken or veggie quesadilla, Fish Tacos, or simply served with Tortillas or Nachos on the side. Practically begs for an accompanying margarita.

Exhibit C:

Tom Kha Gai (your transliteration may vary)


One of a few thai soups I could easily add to this list. The variety of flavours in this soup really make it sing on your palette and it’s filling enough that one bowl is usually enough. Handily enough, it’s also incredibly easy to make. If the recipe linked above doesn’t match your favorite restaurants version search around, here are thousands of recipes available.

Serving Suggestions:

If you’re having it as the main portion of your meal I personally feel it’s brilliant on its own, but a nice hunk of crusty french bread also works. This is another soup that is just dying for nice peppy light beer. The usual Thai accompaniment is a Singha.


So… there’s 3 suggestions. Anyone have any others? Post

them on the wiki!

Pump up the Jam

Trying to clear out my kitchen before I move home I made the following the other night… excellent stuff.


Cherry Peach Jam

This is a really tasty sweet jam recipe that I adapted from a crazily overdone one I found elsewhere on the net. The cherry juice turns the peaches a beautiful ruby colour and the aroma while it’s cooking is to die for.



  • 8 Normal Sized Peaches (Washed and pitted/chopped, I leave skins on but you can remove if you prefer)
  • 2 Cups Cherries (chopped)
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 2 boxes pectin (peach jam takes extra pectin as there isn’t a ton of natural
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • Butter (optional, to remove scum)



  • Sterilize your jars and keep them nice and warm so the temperature shock of the hot jam doesn’t shatter them.
  • Chop your fruit, then combine in blender or food processor. (You can also mash with a potato masher, but it takes a while)
  • Process until you hit the desired consistency, I like my jam a little chunky but you can get it as smooth as you want.
  • Move the fruit to a pot, add your pectin and lime juice.
  • Bring to a boil
  • Add the sugar, then bring to a rolling boil
  • Once it’s boiling, cook while stirring vigourously for 5 minutes or so
  • The scum that forms at the top is harmless, but doesn’t look very nice in your jam, stir in about a tbsp of butter and much of it will dissipate. If some remains you can add more butter, or remove it with a spoon.
  • Ladle hot jam into jars, ideally with a canning funnel, but you can do without.
  • Seal jars and process for 10 Minutes in a boiling water bath.

Super super tasty and really quick for a jam. Made excellent farewell gifts at the office as I finish my second last week.  More content to come soon.

Brevity is the soul of wit…

I won’t be in Winnipeg for about 80% of Fringe so sadly the review tradition on this site is likely to be on hold for this year. Hopefully I can do some post-game for the Edmonton types since I will be in Winnipeg to catch the last weekend.

Summer Recipe Time

The warm summer months are here for most of us  (apologies to my 2.5 million southern hemisphere readers) and I feel inspired to share a fantastic looking recipe from our sister site GoonsWithSpoons.com

This was an entry from Sirrobin for the 5th Iron Chef Something Awful competition (Battle: Cookies)

Chocolate Chip Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies


Really Apple?

Apple’s design team takes another nosedive into stupidity today.

What were once some of the nicest notebooks on the market have been neutered yet again as Apple has eliminated removable batteries from the macbook line. Another fun change is exchanging the express slot (on most models) for an SD card slot rather than just adding the SD slot like almost every other notebook out there.

I’ve seen quotes from WWDC saying that the battery is good for 1000 charges or 5 years for most people according to them (I don’t know about all of you but my laptop would certainly charge 1000 times faster than 5 years.) There’s also no discussion of diminished charge levels after a while. Anyone who travels a ton and relies on having a spare battery for long flights or long days will tell you they won’t be buying a macbook next time around. It’s all well and good for those who can afford the swank flights with the individual airplane plugs etc… (Though some flights now require you to buy the airline’s particular adapter, ask Neil Gaiman :p ) but most of us still ride coach on the best deal we can get for our particular dates.

What’s happened to Apple’s industrial design group? As a designer I’d always argue that Apple tends to stray way too far into form over function in their hardware but this is getting ridiculous…

edit: Though at least they’re getting cheaper… especially the air. I still maintain that it’s a waste of money for a not amazing machine, but good god they’re even prettier at that price.